
Anch Jr. I tried to hex a chi to look like my real dog, Ancho! Updated him when I figured out hexing a little bit better. Glitcher An attempt at editing Anch Jr's file went wrong somewhere and I ran with it, so now he's a separate pet. I revamped him when I updated Anch Jr. Chocolate Milk Gen 1 Dalmation (!) Anch Jr's best friend. Beanie Baby Gen 1 Trinket (!) In love with Sabrina. Charlotte Gen 1 Velvet Arachne (!) I <3 spiders Cabbagepatch Gen 2 Alley/Calico The first pet I've bred since getting the game again. Her favorite toy is a cauldren. Fire Ant Gen 2 B&W/Velvet Arachne (!) A very weird fox. Sabrina Gen 5 Alley/B&W/RB In love with Beanie Baby. Vela Bred by jojostory for PAAC's October 2024 event. Very playful & friendly. Wrasse Hexed by Flamingo at PAAC. Likes hunting mice. 2 spooky! Light Bred by SWKManda for PAAC's October 2024 event. #1 Snoot. Shuck A custom hexie by ShenzaiBird! I received him for participating in their Petzcord halloween adventure. She's a Phantomhound, probably the only breed of Petz that are semi-transparent! Corky & Jerrod Dirty Dunkaroo & Saturlate These are 2 pairs from the original 8 Doberman Pinschers and 8 Kanadische Kettenhunds, selective breeds from The BMG Archive. The dobies were born in 1999 and the kettenhunds in 2001, making them all over 20 years old! I first played Petz 3 around the same time, so I think it's really cool these guys are still around. Purebred Puppies: None yet. Breed/OW Sources: XXXtreme Dali Spots OW - Liver by Oasis Trinkets breed by VPZ Research Center Velvet Arachne breed by [BAD_DEATH] Hexed Clothes by: Korvulpine Cirrutopia Phantasmagoria ^ Back to top of page ^